Dinosaurs vs Snowflakes: The Debate Over Remote Working

Dinosaurs vs Snowflakes: The Debate Over Remote Working

5 min read Lord Sugar caused a bit of a stir this past week with his phrasing on those who work from home… I have my views on ‘remote’ vs ‘hybrid’ vs ‘on-location’ working. And they’re not so clear cut. I see pros and cons with each option 👍👎 But...
Why It’s Time to Thank the Line Managers

Why It’s Time to Thank the Line Managers

4 min read It must have really sucked to be to be a line manager trying to lead a team through a pandemic the likes of which the current working population has never experienced before.  Seriously… has anybody thought about that and how people in those roles are doing...
Don’t Give Up the Day Job! Why Work is Good for Your Wellbeing

Don’t Give Up the Day Job! Why Work is Good for Your Wellbeing

7 min read Anyone who follows my Vibrant Workplace blog could easily think I just plain hate the world of work.  And don’t get me wrong – I do hate a lot about it.  But I don’t hate ‘working’.  In fact, I love working!  I think many look at young people in the...
The One Sure Antidote to the Great Resignation

The One Sure Antidote to the Great Resignation

7 min read What is the ‘Great Resignation’? Almost ¼ of UK workers are planning to change jobs within the next 3-6 months according to The Guardian; 13% more than in other years!  Ranstad UK surveyed 6000 workers, 69% of who responded that they were confident they...
Work Sucks! But, it doesn’t have to…

Work Sucks! But, it doesn’t have to…

6 min read I’ll always remember the moment in 2014 when I ‘rage quit’, handing in my resignation to the company I’d worked in for the past 5.5 years. I didn’t ‘rage’ quit as such.  I was calm.  I had been unhappy for a long time and knew I needed to do something about...
The Biggest Flaws in People Management

The Biggest Flaws in People Management

6 min readRecently I’ve been working with a group of senior leaders in an organisation that has inspired me over the past while by their commitment to doing the right thing by their people and authenticity in truly wanting to take the culture of their business to the...

Speaking ‘Up’ – Tips for Giving Feedback to Superiors

4 min readLast week we shared 5 videos, one each day, with tips on how to give feedback to your superiors. We got messages from people who found them useful and have been fearful of speaking up in the past. Here’s a review of the key points we shared!   Tip One –...

Bouncing Back with a High Performing Team

5 min readMany business leaders still champion the idea that an employee who won’t stay late to get the job done isn’t a team player.  The person who gets up from their desk first at the end of a shift is seen as the one least committed to the job.  We value time...

Soul Searching

6 min readRecently I was invited to an online business group and as I went to introduce myself and what I do I began to reflect, for the first time in a while, on where I’m at and how I got here. So my introduction ultimately led to this blog. I’m Craig...